
Cheryl Mullery, LMSW


Advanced Care Planning: The Gift of Empowerment for Patients With Cancer

Advanced care planning can benefit both the patients with cancer and the oncology nurses who work in intensive care units, as it may potentially reduce stress and moral distress.

Joe Contreras, MD


Palliative Care Does Not Prevent Patients From Receiving Curative Treatment

The chair of the Institute of Pain and Palliative Care explains how the holistic approach of palliative care makes it a unique treatment modality.

Marjorie Leslie, DNP, ACNP-BC, AOCNP


Normalize Palliative Care as Part of the Oncology Treatment Plan

Advanced practice providers play a critical role in increasing palliative care referrals.

Connie Roth


5 Tips for MSNs Looking to Become Nurse Practitioners

Strategic tips for achieving a Nurse Practitioner certification and advancing your nursing career.

Bruce Carleton, PharmD, FCP, FISPE


More Than A “Side Effect”: Why Pediatric Hearing Loss Is So Detrimental

An expert discusses the consequences of cisplatin-induced hearing loss and ongoing research efforts to eliminate this associated risk for children receiving the treatment.

Jennifer Grimmer, DNP, FNP-BC, PMGT-BC


Navigating Difficult Conversations in Cancer Pain Management

Difficult conversations in cancer pain management should include core values and principles, setting realistic expectations, and building the patient-client relationship from the very beginning.

Nagla Abdel Karim, MD


Symptom Management in CheckMate-73L Trial

Nagla Abdel Karim, MD, explains how researchers will address safety and manage potential adverse events in the ongoing phase 3 CheckMate-73L trial.

Liz-Hunter Brack, RN


Opinion: Nurses Need to Start Conversations About Genetic Testing

Liz-Hunter Brack, RN, discusses how oncology nurses can play an important role in patient education surrounding genetic testing.

Zev A. Wainberg, MD


Zev Wainberg on Combination Chemotherapy Regimens in Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Zev A. Wainberg, MD, discusses the implications of the findings from the phase 3 NAPOLI 3 trial for patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

Jackie Collins


Expert Discusses Best Practices for Managing Breast Cancer–Related Toxicities

Charles L. Loprinzi, MD, discusses the efficacy of agents like gabapentin and olanzapine to combat breast cancer treatment-related pains and speaks to the future of nonestrogenic toxicity management within this space.

Chelsea Cooper


Empower Your Clinical Staff to Meet the Growing Patient Volume

Oncology practices can create more access to care by leveraging the use of APPs, empowering nurses to practice at the top of their licensure, utilizing nurse navigators, and planning ahead.

Elizabeth R. Cullen, MSN, ARNP


Elizabeth Cullen Discusses Avasopasem Manganese As A Potential Mucositis Management Strategy in Head and Neck Cancers

Elizabeth R. Cullen, MSN, ARNP, provides an overview of avasopasem manganese and its potential role in reducing severe oral mucositis for patients undergoing radiotherapy.

Eloise Theisen, MSN, AGPCNP-BC


Medical Cannabis 101: What Oncology Nurses Need to Know

With nearly two-thirds of the states allowing for medical cannabis use and the legalization of hemp, accessing cannabinoids has become much easier— especially for patients with cancer.

Mary Katherine Montes de Oca, MD


Mary Katherine Montes de Oca on Cryocompression Therapy For Peripheral Neuropathy in Gynecologic Cancers

Mary Katherine Montes de Oca, MD, discusses the potential benefit of cryocompression therapy in preventing peripheral neuropathy in patients with gynecologic cancers who are receiving chemotherapy.

Julie Scott, DNP, ANP-BC, AOCNP


Advances in Head and Neck Cancers Yield New Clinical Implications for Nurses

As the treatment paradigm continues to evolve, nurses play a key role in educating patients, monitoring treatments, and watching for adverse effects.

Jennifer McQuade, MD


Nurses May Advise Patients on Immunotherapy to Increase Fiber Intake

An expert from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center offers advice on the best diet to enrich a patient’s microbiome and consequent immunotherapy response.

Chevon Rariy, MD


Cancer Care More Accessible Thanks to Launch of Telehealth and In-Home Infusion programs

Chevon Rariy, MD, outlines patient eligibility criteria, and the alterations to the nurse patient relationship, as CTCA launches the novel Oncology Clinic at Home Program.

Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center


Sylvester’s Sexual Health After Cancer Program Expands to Meet Needs of Women with Cancer

Kristin E. Rojas, M.D., FACS, FACOG, assistant professor of surgical oncology in the DeWitt Daughtry Department of Surgery and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University Miami Miller School of Medicine, realized she had struck a chord with women being treated for cancer when she started the Menopause Urogenital Sexual Health and Intimacy Clinic (MUSIC).

Olivia West, MSN, RN, AG-ACNP-BC


Recognition of the Advanced Practice Preceptor Role in Oncology

A tiered level preceptor recognition program offers a cost-effective organizational intervention designed to acknowledge and incentivize the contributions of advanced practice preceptors.

Shivani Gopalsami, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP


Wheatley and Gopalsami Highlight the Value of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in HSCT Care

Tia Wheatley, DNP, RN, AOCNS, BMTCN, and Shivani Gopalsami, RN, MSN, ANP-BC, AOCNP, discuss the benefits and challenges of multidisciplinary collaboration in hematopoietic stem cell transplant care.

Benjamin P. Saylor


Darolutamide With ADT Before Surgery May Be Safe, Effective in Prostate Cancer

Researchers did not observe any grade 3 or 4 adverse events with darolutamide with androgen deprivation therapy for 6 months followed by radical prostatectomy in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer.

Janice Post-White, PhD, RN, FAAN


Overcoming The Burden of Guilt as A Nurse

Janice Post-White, PhD, RN, FAAN, an oncology nurse and caregiver, discusses how she handled the guilt she felt following her son’s leukemia diagnosis.

Ranee Mehra, MD


Mehra Details the Importance of PD-L1 Expression in HNSCC Treatment Selection

Ranee Mehra, MD, discusses the link between PD-L1 expression and increased immunotherapy efficacy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and what future treatment options may look like for patients in this space.

Susan Samson, MSN, FNP-C


Advanced Practice Providers Are Uniquely Suited for Survivorship Care

Advanced practice providers are the future of survivorship care because of the tremendous value they offer to the practice and its patients.

Edgardo Santos, MD, FACP


Unmet Needs and Future Directions in the Management of CIM

Martin Dietrich, MD, PhD, and Edgardo Santos, MD, FACP, offer closing remarks on unmet needs and future directions in the management of CIM including other disease states where trilaciclib may offer myeloprotective benefit.

Russ Conroy


Belantamab Mafodotin Combo Significantly Improves PFS in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma

Triplet therapies containing belantamab mafodotin, pomalidomide, and dexamethasone may address an unmet need for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.

Aaron T. Gerds, MD, MS


Key Takeaways for Patients With Myelofibrosis

Patients with myelofibrosis should reflect on their personal priorities and quality of life goals, understand the range of available JAK inhibitor treatment options, and openly communicate with their doctor to arrive at a shared decision for managing their disease.

Krista Gomez, MSN, BSN, RN, FNP-C


Colorectal Cancer Screening: Education, Advocacy, and Action

It is essential to continue to develop and incorporate educational strategies to increase screening for colorectal cancer in our communities.

Shari Mycek


Discrepancies Exist Between Actual Care and Trial-Based Recommendations in MCL

Discrepancies exist between actual patterns of care and recommendations based on clinical trials in adult patients with mantle cell lymphoma.

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